Having an air conditioning system for your home can be a life-saver in hot summer months. Taking advantage of its consistent presence means you never have to worry about it being too hot, or finding a place to escape the heat. Treat your air conditioning unit right, and sign up for regularly scheduled maintenance with Treat’s Heating and Cooling. They do a semi-annual inspection in the spring and fall to make sure your unit is lasting up to its potential. Over the years, maintaining your unit will cut down on the amount of repairs you need. It will also boost your efficiency and save you money. Regular air conditioning Service in 98022 can extend the life of your unit. And, if you do need repairs on your unit, your enrollment with the prepared maintenance program means you receive preferred treatment for any additional maintenance. Much like your car, your air conditioner runs better and longer when it is cared for. Keep yourself cool for years by protecting your air conditioning unit.