Heating System Maintenance

One of the most underperformed features of heating systems is routine maintenance.  Most customers underestimate the impact overall maintenance simply because everything seems to be running well.  Often, there are areas of the system that simply need minor adjustments in order to prolong the life of one of the most important systems of your home.  You can trust the team at Treat’s Cooling and Heating to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Efficiency Matters

You can expect a new heating system to be incredibly efficient. Yet over time, without routine maintenance, it will wear down and begin to consume the energy savings you once experienced.  If you want your system to perform at its optimal level, it’s critical to schedule regular maintenance visits.

If your current system is not new, it can also benefit from a tune up and an annual cleaning.  Even older systems will profit from an annual cleaning and tune up. The savings you will reap on your bill may be surprisingly substantial.  The investment made in periodic maintenance will be made up for in the long term savings on your monthly bill.

Reduce Repairs and Costly Emergency Calls

When you schedule routine maintenance of your heating system, you are decreasing the number of repairs you will need over its lifetime.  Our expert technicians are able to replace parts that may be wearing down before they fail completely.  Routine inspections allow us the opportunity to catch a small malfunction early on before it becomes a bigger problem later. If your system may be close to needing a full replacement, we can discover that through your scheduled maintenance and recommend a new system that will meet your family’s needs and budget.  Nothing is worse than experiencing complete heat system break down at the time when you need it most, so avoid emergency repairs altogether by calling Treat’s Heating and Cooling to schedule your routine maintenance.

Keep Your Heating Costs Down

The more efficiently your heating system runs, the fewer dollars you will need to spend to have a comfortably warm home.  Not only will you save on repair costs by scheduling routine maintenance, but you will save significant money on your monthly bill.

Extend the Life of Your System

In the same way regular oil changes in your car keep it running well, regular maintenance of your heating system keep it running at optimal performance and prolong its overall life.  Our highly qualified maintenance technicians will test all aspects of your system to make certain it operates well.  It is easy for dust to settle inside your system and slowly accumulate over time.  That sediment can interfere with its working parts and cause your system to work harder.   You can have complete confidence that our technicians will clean out your system and change out any components that could potentially shorten the life of your system. Call Treat’s Heating and Cooling and schedule a system check up today.